Қазақстан қолданбалы лингвистика қауымдастығы
Association for Applied Linguistics of Kazakhstan
Казахстанская ассоциация прикладной лингвистики

     The Association for Applied Linguistics of Kazakhstan (AALK) is the first national organization for applied linguistics in Kazakhstan. Founded in 2016, AALK will have a steady rise to acknowledgment, and in a soonest time to become an official member of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA). With its headquarters in Almaty, AALK is set on attracting more and more international linguists to the region and organizing events that foster cooperation and communication on a local and global level. In a region with an extraordinary past, and a complex social and linguistic history, AALK encourages multiculturality, multilingualism, and mutual tolerance and respect, all in the name of a better educational system and a brighter future.

     AALK aims to provide leadership in applied linguistics and support the development of linguistics, language acquisition, teaching, learning, and research in the field. It is dedicated to academic excellence, striving to enable linguists in Kazakhstan and the region easier access to resources that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. With a strong network of contacts, AALK will succeed in bringing exceptional academicians and scientists to Almaty, and will continue to do so in the future.

     The main objective of the AALK is to create the center studying the best practices of applied linguistics and establish a connection with local and foreign applied linguists, who are interested in collecting all national researches into one place, and run common scientific events, projects and research activities.

We are determined to fulfill the following objectives :

Globalization is the key process of the 21 st century. The world is merging into a global community, and it is now, more than ever before, necessary to forge ties of friendship and cooperation between people. In this endeavor our most powerful tool are our languages. As the linguistic hub of the region, AALK strives to bring together language experts and language enthusiasts, who will work together on creating a world of better communication and discourse. We ask you to join us and assist us in our cause if you believe it worthwhile. Within AALK all languages are understood!